Monday, 21 January 2013

methods to improve site traffic

Google WebmasterToolA Place to Improve Your Site

Every site developer and new blogger must have the knowledge about the how the google index their pages. Google use google webmaster tool for the indexing the site pages and site url. It is very important tool at the developer end where google can guide them about improvement about thier site, submission of URL to google and etc.
1) What is Google Webmaster ?
Ans It is the tool provided by the google for the site optimization and see site statistics.This tool tells you lots of things like about the crawling,crawling stats,blocked URLs,Index Stats,links to your site,Sitemap,structured data,content keywords etc.You fetch your webpages through the fetch as google and then add link to the box then fetch and submit to index.It also shows the search queries from the Google Users.For Using this google webmaster service we have to first make account HERE .Then add site then it will provide some code which you have to submit in site head tag then save it.Thats it!
2) What is Google Analytics ?
Ans Google Analytics is the detailed report provided by the google of the website.The report includes statistics about the users visit of your site,unique visiter,return back users,google plus to site,toatal unique page visit,total page visit,page visit by country wise,page visit by operating system,total page visits.For Using the service of the google analytics make account  HERE . Then it will provide script which you have to add in your site the save it.Then check your stats on regular basis to improve any site.
3) What is Robot file ?
Ans The google index your webpages within certain period,If you have the sensitive data on your site such as files, folder, stylesheet and javascript which you want to prevent from the indexing on the google indexing then we use robots  meta tags which tells which content prevent from indexing this meta tags is some where excluded by the search engine.So most appropriate way is the use robot.txt file instead of robot metatags.
Robot.txt looks as
User-agent : googlebot
User-agent: msn
User-agent: slurp
Disallow : /temp/
Disallow :/useractive/
Disallow :/cgi-bin/
User Agent are the search engine crawlers or simply serach engine(google,bing) like google bot,msn,bingbot and slurp and Disallow are the files and directories excluded from the indexing.In this example temp and useractive folder excluded from indexing.
4) What is Web Spider ?
Ans Web Spider will extract the information contains in your web pages and submit to the search engine. Web spider crawls the web pages and extract the required content and index it to search engine.If search engine queries match with your site content then your website links appear in search engine.Most commonly if the header of your page matches all search keywords then you will find your site at no.1 position.Its is used most commonly all search engines like google,yahoo,msn etc.
5)  What is Crawling ?
Ans Web Crawling is another name of Web Spider. Here I explain what is process in web crawling.
Firstly all search engines uses crawlers for the indexing of the sites,crawling begins with list of sites called seeds and it finds the all the hyperlinks in the website like the image urls, download links, all links. This hyperlinks add to the list of URLs called crawl frontiers.Web Crawler added new and updated pages for indexing.There could be some reasons of the how your site is indexed by the web crawler like the site contents,no. of scripts,large volume of contents, large pagesize. Use of the HTML content,Original Content, small no. of scripts and less CSS will lets your page top of google. Units of webcrawling is kilobytes/pages. Some of the crawlers are RBSE, web crawler, world wide web worm, Google Crawler, Cobweb PolyBot.
6)  What is indexing ?
Ans If you find answer about indexing then indexing tells you about how many site pages ever crawled. These can be checked by index status in google webmaster tools.
7) What is GoogleBot ?
Ans GoogleBot (Spider) is used to find new pages and updated pages, then by using process of crawling it is indexed in search engine.Basically googlebot is algorithmic process to find which sites and how many pags to crawl. If you want to prevent GoogleBot from crawling then use robots file.In any link prevent GoogleBot by using rel="no follow" attribute of the link itself.
8) What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization ?
Ans SEO refers to collection of techniques to get more traffic in your site.SEO techniques tells you the methods to get better ranking in search small scripts,small images,minor css are the some ways to reduce your page loading time to get better ranking in google,bing etc.
9) What is BackLinks ?
Ans Backlinks is the very important thing to considers by the search engine,it is also called inbound links and inlinks. Backlinks are the incoming links to your site more the incoming links better is your site ranking.Quality backlinks always tops your site at top of seach engine.You can generate backlinks for your site by adding link of your site in sofware or code you provide.Best method of generating backlinks is the social gadgets which shares your sites to millions os peoples hence generate lots os backlinks.Please don't use online site submission for Backlinks Generation,they are not trustable. Add Social Gadget to Your Site will Create More Backlinks.
10) Types of SEO Tools :-
Ans There are some of the tools used for optimizing your website :-
1) Similar Page Checker
This tool determine percentage of similarity between 2 websites.
2) Search Engine Spider Simulator
This tools shows your site exacty same way as in search engine.It displays follow links from your site.
3) Backlinks Anchor Text Analysis
This tool display text link used by backlinks to link your site.
4) Backlink Builder
It searches for websites which creates your websites backlinks.Avoid them they are not trustable if you pay for them then it could help.
5) Backlink Summary
This will shows your backlinks in rankwise.
6) Cloaking Checker
This tools check whether your content is cloaked or not. Meta tag is the primary concern of the search engine while indexing and cloaking is the trick to fool peoples by entering correct information in the meta tags but entered wrong information in the webpages.
7) KeyWord Suggestion Tool
This tool will tell about the popularity of the keyword used in your site.
8) Alexa Rank Checker
This tool tells about your site ranking or any site ranking.

tags:increase website traffic,methods to increase improve website ranking,google webmaster tutorial,site improving techinque,website improvement tools,seo tools,seo tools tutorial,increase visitors of site.

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