Tuesday 19 February 2013

Best Tricks and Hacks with Command Prompt

Command Prompt is very simple way to do task then do manually. Here in this post i m sharing the most simple and useful tricks makes feel better about Command Prompt. This saves lots of times

1) How to hack windows password through Command Prompt

If you are admin and wanna to change any users password then simple type in command prompt:

net users  account name *
confirm it: same as above
thats it!

This is possible if you are admin if you are user want to hack the admin password then you have to download software for this and follow instructions Download from HERE.

2) Hide your Drive Using Command Prompt

This is also simple task you have just go through some commands and this is possible.

1) Open Command Prompt
2) Write diskpart
3) list volume
4) select volume 3 (Select Volume Which you wants to Hide)
5) remove letter d

Thats now see thats your D: drive is hidden

6) If you want to D: drive unhidden or visible again then enter this command
7) assign letter d

Now your D: drive visible again

3) Transfer Specific files information any folders to file

c:\users\op     dir *.*  /s /b /l >files.txt

This command transfers all files in the from op folder s option include files from all subfolders, b option bare format (No file size and summary), use lowercase. Transfer all files info from op folder to files.txt in same op folder. Now open files.txt and see files informations.

4) Installed Driver Information

driverquery will shows all the drivers installed in your computer. While back up or install your driver this will might help you.

5) System Information

systeminfo  will shows all your current computer configuration to command prompt about Hotfixes,Memory,Os information.

6) Open Command Prompt Anywhere this will save your time to change your directories in Command Prompt.

Just  hold shift and then right click on folder which you to open command prompt thats helpful when change directories most often.

7) Show All Running Processes

tasklist will  show list of all the processes to command prompt which your processor is running. 

8) Kill Your Specific Process

taskkill /im /f /t  yourprogram.exe  will forcefully terminate process yourprogram.exe /im is used for image name /f  for the forceful termination /t  for termination of all child process belongs to this process.
taskkill /pid 4534  terminate process with process id 4534.

9) Messenger Chatting through CMD

@echo off  
set /p a=user
set /p t=message
net send %a% %t%
goto b

Just copy that and save in notepad with yourname.bat. Run it.
Enter user as ip address which you want to chat and message as the text to send.

Here echo off means that it will not show your command in prompt
cls  means Clear Screen
set with option /p command will assign string to variable
net send %a%(username of the user or ip address whom you want to chat) %t%(message)

You can check your network users by typing command net view

10) Format Drive through Command Prompt

format d: /q /v
this will format the d drive /q represent for quick format and /v for volume label.

11) Make Bootable Pen Drive or USB Via Command Prompt,Dos.

1) Insert your USB of size 4GB+ to Port.
2) Open Command Prompt
3) diskpart then press Enter (this will use diskpart utility of windows)
4) list disk (show list of all disks available in your pc)
5) select disk one
6) clean
7) create partition primary
8) select partition 1
9) active
10) format fs=ntfs
11) assign
12) exit (Don't close command prompt)
13) Insert Window Cd which you want to install
14) g:  (where g is your dvd hardrive label this will change your current directory to g:(Dvd Directory) )
15) cd boot and press enter
16) final step, copy ur all Dvd Content to USB.

Now boots with change setting in your bios when you restart your pc ,press f6 or f9 bios comes.
Go to boot option make your top option as Removable Devices. Saves Changes. Restart then Press Esc and Boot.

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