Tuesday 5 March 2013

how to label your post in blogger

New bloggers who does not have enough knowledge about the blogging. Even i don't have enough knowledge when i written my first blog. My language is not so good even now I m sorry for that. Bt i try to explain things in easier manner. OK come to point, Label is used for categorising your posts.
Like you have written so many post about like bollywood songs, hollywood songs, regional songs, cultural songs etc. So if you make label songs to each post then it is categories your bollywood songs,hollywood songs,regional songs posts under label songs.

When visitor clicks on label song then all your posts related to it will display and visitor finds good way to find their favorite songs.

Don't use too many labels for your post because blogger limits 1000 labels. labels your posts with good keyword easy to understand not more than 3 words. like  song collection.

When you create new post then right side you will find post setting -> labels.

If you find something uninteresting , faulty , mistakes or language problems. Then please write in post so that i will improve it. Don't write about tricks on cellular because they worked for sometime after it blocked. I will also try to publish only those tricks works everywhere.

Please Suggest If you find Uninteresting and make me feel your friends. Thanks for Supporting me.

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