Wednesday 6 March 2013

Tips to score good in board exams

Here are some of the important tips from our side which will helpyou to get through your board exams and to score good marks.

#-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions.

#-If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months.

#-But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable.

#-Make a complete time table of preparation of yourself of
-what subjects to study
-how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject)
-at what time to study.

#-Try to finish the subjects which you feeleasy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult.

#-Go through previous year question papers and finish thequestions from those papers.

#-Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in variousmodel question papers ofvarious test papers.

#-If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions.

#-Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation.

#-The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams.

#-Whatever the information youhave regarding aparticular question, present it neatly withside heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed.

#-If you present it nicely,obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question.

#-And the main point is that while writing the exams dont get panic. Most people become nervous by seeing the ques-paper which results in poor marks...

Wish you all the best....

Keep visiting...

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