Monday 13 May 2013

11 Secrets of Increasing PageRank

Page Rank is the great matter or concern for a blogger as it shows his efforts. It is not only the Alexa Rank which decides how good you are going and how much you are earning or you will be earning in future but Page Rank also plays role in earnings. Now i think you might have got the idea how important Page Rank is ? So here are some great tips to increase Page Rank.
1) High Quality Content :
Yeah, you got write its content which comes first and plays and important role in Page Rankings. Greater the good quality content you, the greater the Page Rank you will get. Here quality Content means you must not copy content of other blogs. Be Original and the one good way to write original content is to read more and then this will help you to grow your thoughts then you yourself will be able to write of your own.
Remember you will get many guides and tips on internet saying blah blah of making backlinks and all but those will only work when you have Good Content so better focus on Content first and then try all those things.


2) Allow Visitors to Post Articles :

Its great to implement something like this on your blog as it reduces your own work and increase Page Rank :D .

guest post

3) Submit your blog :
To increase Page Rank you need Back Links and to build backlinks you can use this menthod.
Just submit your blog on following sites :
  • DMOZ
  • Yahoo Directory
  • Best Of The Web
  • Ezine Articles
  • Article Base
  • Go Articles

Directory Link Submission

4) Social Bookmarking :
Its the important and effective way to increase Page Rank.It is very simple to implement just by using plugin in WordPress and scripts or widgets in blogger.
Note : Here you might think to use all social networking sites but don’t go 4 it as its just waste of time because none visits social networking sites other than Facebook, Google + and Twitter.Also other blogs will advise you to use as much social networks you want to use but you think yourself which social network you visit and also you can make a survey within your friend and get an idea then use the social networks which are in use by majority of people.


5) Commenting on Other Blogs :
Make a habit of giving feedback on other blog’s articles but don’t forget to include your site link as signature.
WordPress users can use CommentLuv plugin on their blogs for better user comment experience.

Comment Luv

6) Use Appropriate Keywords :
Keywords play an important role in search engine.If you are using appropriate keywords for your articles then surely you will get more visitors and hence the Page Rank.


7) Website / Blog Advertising :
Its the most common thing which comes in mind so i don’t think i need to explain anything about this.


8) Avoid Spam Links and Content :
Its obvious that reputation of your site or blog will go down if you are posting spam links or content as no one wants to compromise with his privacy and security.


9) Participation :
Always be active on good sites with high traffic. Join Facebook groups related to blogging and help the new bloggers. This way your friend circle will grow and you will also come to know what problem they face then you can make articles on those problems.


10) Use of Appropriate No-Follow Attributes :
This thing can also help you in get good Page Rank but don’t make your website like Wikipedia else it will not be helpful and also it would not be a good experience for the visitors. Make minimal and appropriate use of no-follow links.


11) Exchanging Links :
You can also opt for services which offer link exchange to increase page rank.


So this was all about increase the Page Rank.

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