Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Best Google AdSense Optimization Tips for high CPC and CTR

Earning less from Adsense even after having good traffic? Check this post to know about best Google Adsense Optimization tips and increase revenue.
All those famous blogger always tell that the main source of their earning is Google Adsense. You can even find many people posing with their Google Adsense check having thousands of dollars every month, are all those fake?
Well I don’t think so. People do make a lot of money from Google Adsense. “A lot of money” here means thousands of dollars every single day, however there are very few people earning that much but still, there are. Reading of these big figures, you might sometimes think, Why can’t I make even 1% of that money?
I have been saying since a long time, that the content is the king of blogging. Well, having a good quality of content can make your blog popular and fetch you good amount of visitors, but having good number of visitors always doesn’t mean that you will end up earning huge revenue. There are many such things which matter sometimes. Below are a few of those
  1. Niche : Niche of the blog is one of the most important thing behind varied revenue. Niches like travel and technology are most profitable while niches like News, sports come under the category of least profitable niches.
  2. Keywords : Inside one particular niche, there can be thousands of keywords and the CPC depends on the keyword. If the CPC of your keyword is good, then you will obviously have better earnings.
  3. Type of site : If you have a blog, then there are probabilities of getting fewer clicks than on a website. This is arguably a fact and sometimes it has been proved right.
  4. Bounce Rate/Pageviews : Bounce rate and Pageviews per visit also play vital roles in deciding the total revenue of your blog. Having lower bounce rate and higher page-views per visit make sure that people get to see more pages and more ads on your blog and that increases the chances for them to click on an Ad displaying on your website.
  5. CTR and Ad Placement : Ad placement is the most important thing. It depends on you big time that how do you show your ads. If you show your ads on prime locations in attractive design and size, chances are much more of getting more number of clicks.
This post is all about the tips of Google Adsense optimizations where I will be discussing about some of the proven facts related to Google Adsense and writing about the tips using which you can implement an effective Google Adsense Ad network on your blog and maximize your revenue.

Tips to optimize Google Adsense and get High CTR

Be a little aggressive while placing ads
If you really want to get good CTR, then you need to be a little too aggressive while placing your advertisement. There are times when we do not want to mess with the look of a webpage thinking the visitor might not like it. This thinking needs to be changed, at one point you can only look for one thing, either to have a good customer reaction with an Ad free page or higher amount of revenue with some aggressive Ad placement.
Best Google Adsense Ad Unit Sizes
Google does provide many of the ad unit sizes, but all of them are not same in terms of revenue generation. The most popular sizes of an Ad unit are, 120×600, 300×250, 468×60, 728×90, 336×280, 250×250 etc. If you want a text only Ad, 336×280 would be best (only if you have enough space and you are displaying it inside post content), If you are looking for a rich media Ad, then 300×250 would be better because it is the most popular Ad size among the advertisers and it supports rich media too.
Try to think from a visitor’s prospective
Visitors do come to your blog to gain some information and once their purpose is over, they will surely leave your blog page. If you really want to make them click on your advertisements, then you will need to make the color scheme a bit attractive. An attractive or may be matching color scheme would make sure you get good number of clicks and hence good amount of revenue.
Ad Placement
Many blogger can not ever understand about the ad placement which might work the best for them. Well, no one can tell what would be the best ad placement according to the bunch of readers you have, to clear out that confusion, you might try some 2-4 different combinations and then decide which one worked best for you.
Generally, one ad unit just below the title and one inside the post content works great. You can even put 2 inside the post, which will make it all 3 Adsense units inside post content and that makes it look very messed up. Still, if you want, you can implement it that way but that is not very advisable.
Color scheme and background matters
Sometimes, to attract people, we end up making things very distracting by giving a background color which looks pretty different compared to the color scheme of our blog. That is a reason why people get irritated and they just bounce back from the blog making sure that they never return back to your blog.
Section Targetting
Google Adsense has an option where you can place section targeted advertisements so that Google displays advertisements related to your content and your users do not get distracted by seeing some other type of Ad. While choosing to display section targeted Ads, you need to be very much particular about the section where you are putting. These ads work best inside the content because you have keyword rich content there.
Search Button with Google Adsense Code embedded in it
Every theme has a search option in header or at the top of the sidebar. It is always better if you replace that search box with Google Adsense embedded search box and change the text “Submit” to “Search”. While searching for an article inside your post, users do look for a search button, and it is better if you keep it above the fold. Having a search button at the end of the page does not make much sense.
Best Ad Positions
If you do not want to experiment a lot with the positions of advertisements, you can even go with the popular ad positions used by thousands of other bloggers. In that regard, the one which is placed just below the header works best. It is always advisable to use at least one Text Only ad in the content because these ads pay you on CPM basis. Using them, you can earn profit by the traffic which comes from Facebook Link shares and tweets.
These were some of the tips I wanted to share with you all so that all of you can optimize Google Adsense and make most profit out of it. I hope I did clear a few of your doubts, if you still have any query about Google Adsense optimization, feel free to leave a comment and I will try my level best to sort out that for you.

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