Monday, 13 May 2013

Top 3 Secrets to increase BackLinks

Ever wanted to know best methods that guarantees increase in backlinks of your blog ? If yes then here are those 3 Secrets to increase Backlinks.

BackLinks is what every blogger wants to increase for increasing traffic and popularity of his blog. Mainly backlinks define the Page Rank of any blog.
The greater the number of backlinks a blog has , the greater the page rank it will have thus the greater income that everyone wants.So simple algorithm is :
Increase Backlinks
When i had started blogging, i myself didn't even know this algorithm and searched a lot about “What are backlinks” and how to increase backlinks. And what i got in return was not satisfying at all. I just got 1 method which was “Commenting on do-follow blogs”. This method will also increase backlinks for sure but Would you keep searching for dofollow blogs ? Surely you would not like to waste your time.
One can’t keep visiting blogs and other big problem with this method is that most of the “do-follow” blogs require registration. So at last i left this method and thought of other methods that guaranteed me permanent backlinks. Just have a look on these methods :

Methods :

1) Through WordPress Plugins : I think you got what i mean to say. We all know that WordPress rocks among blogger and every WordPress blogger uses WordPress plugins. Here i got the idea of spreading backlinks through plugins as WordPress itself is the source for traffic to your blog. WordPress will not only give you backlinks but a ton of traffic if you made and submitted the plugin on WordPress.
Plugins increase backlinks
2) Make Blogger Widgets : Then comes the Blogger from search engine giant Google. Since blogger doesn’t support one click installations for customization using plugins  like in WordPress so Widgets and Scripts are made to compensate plugins deficiency in Blogger.
Its the simplest thing you can do for increasing backlinks. You just need to add link of your blog in your scripts.
Recommended plugins & scripts that you can make :
  • Floating sidebar
  • Twitter flying bird
  • Sidebar subscription box
3) Make Free themes and Templates : Its the difficult one but its the most effective method of getting permanent backlinks to your blog. You just need to put link of your blog in Footer copyrights. Off course your theme or template should be attractive to amaze the bloggers.
Themes will increase backlinks
I hope these three methods will surely help you in increasing backlinks of you blog.

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