Saturday 30 March 2013

how make free_mobile antivirus 2013

                                      how make free_mobile antivirus 2013

hello freinds,
The main functioning of Antivirus is to observe and take away harmful or unwanted files which can cut down your pc and windows . however if you do not have enough time to transfer any best antivirus. Then merely use this trick to create your own antivirus. This antivirus scan by mistreatment electronic communication and delete unwanted files mechanically.

                                             Open your pad of paper and paste this given code

@echo off
title antivirus
echo antivirus
echo created by your name
if exits virus.batgoto infected
if not exits virus.batgoto clean
echo warning virus detected
del virus.bat
goto start
echo system secure

save your file with .bat ext select all file run
done, your file automatically scan start

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