Saturday, 30 March 2013

How to use free internet-GRAND TUTORIAL-PART 1

Free internet is very popular nowadays but many people are still unaware about how to use it.
So from today we will post several articles explaining the various steps involved in using free internet.

If you want to use internet free then all you will need is to be regular here as we will be daily giving tutorials, step by step, how to use free internet. Here is the first one.

First of all you need to learn about proxies and handlers.

A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity. They provide various facilities such as fast speed, privacy,etc , varying from proxy to proxy.
Examples of a proxy server-

Handlers are web browsers with a special menu which allows you to add querries and other server settings to it which will modify the urls and other internet connection settings of the web browser.
In simple words handlers are just simple web browsers just with an additional menu added to them. There are various handlers like opera handlers, uc browser handlers,etc. Further there are even various oqera handlers like opera mini 4.2 handler, opera mini 6 handler,etc. So opera mini 4.2 handler will be nothing but just simple opera mini 4.2 browser just with an additional menu attached to it.

We will teach you how to make your own handlers from web browsers, but its too far by now and you need to learn many things before that. So till then you can download handlers from the internet. You can get one from below and have a look at it for further understanding.

Download opera mini handler for java mobile

Download opera mini handler for s60v2 mobiles

Download opera mini handler for s60v3 and v5 mobiles

Download opera mini handler for android mobiles

Thats all for today. We will soon be publishing articles on various parts of the handler menu, how to fill them, their effects,etc and various other components of using free internet.

So keep visiting, you never know when the next article is released... Be the first one to read it...

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